Thermal grease is one of the PC components that usually run under most people's radar. Which doesn't mean that it's not important - it's actually quite the opposite! Let us show you why you should never forget what it does and how to use it properly.
Yes, you can use too much thermal grease – when you do, you usually get to see it immediately as it oozes out from between CPU and cooler as you tighten the screws. That’s not a problem with regular grease – just take a clean, antistatic cloth or paper towel and wipe it off. Using liquid metal is a horse of a different color – in this case the CPU has to be cleaned thoroughly! If everything works as smoothly and cool as intended you don’t have to renew the grease for years – but if you switch the CPU or its cooler you also need to apply new thermal grease. Some CPU coolers, like our Pure Rock series, come already pre-greased on their base plate – in this case you can just use it out of the box, without having to add anything. One thing you should never forget, and we really do mean NEVER, is to remove the plastic sticker on the base plate of non-greased CPU coolers before installing it! If you forget to do so the heat transfer from CPU to cooler will be almost non-existent, leading to a very hot and therefore very endangered CPU!